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Sole Trader Tax Returns

About Service

Being a sole-trader is one of the most straightforward structures for an individual who wants to run their own business. However, it does come with a little more responsibility than being an employee. One additional responsibility you have is tracking your income and expenses and lodging your yearly tax return, including a business schedule. 

Our sole-traders packages are best suited for people contracting as a tradesperson, general labourer, or an Uber driver.

We offer three different fixed pricing options for sole traders based on their business's volume and complexity. If you are unsure of your obligations, reach out to us today, and we can help put you on the right path. 

In addition to these packages, we provide more complex services aimed at larger businesses. We will give you a fixed price quote after a short discussion. 

Why Choose 

  • Your sole-trader tax return includes your personal income tax return!

  • Packages competitevly priced for contractor(s), tradesperson(s), and even Uber driver(s)

  • Fixed price packages with optional add-ons

  • Lodge with your spouse and save more

  • 10+ years of expert industry experience

Simple no-trick pricing....

We think you deserve to know how much it will cost before we start working.

ABN Only

Ideal for businesses with annual income under $75,000

$360/yrinc. GST

Income under $75,000

Not registered for GST

One motor vehicle with a logbook 

No subcontractors or employees

GST Registered

Purpose built pricing for sole-traders registered for GST with no employees

$490/yrinc. GST

Registered for GST 

Unlimited number of motor vehicles with a logbook 

No subcontractors or employees

Complex Business 

Need a little more? For growing small to medium business in any industry. 


Income above $75,000 

Registered for GST & PAYGW

Multiple Subcontractors

Multiple Employees

Let's talk about your (service) needs


We are always here to help you. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact us at any time.

I earn over $75,000, but I am not registered for GST, what do I do?

If you earn over $75,000 per year, you are required to be registered for GST. Generally speaking, you will need to charge 10% GST on top of your service and/or products and remit this to the Tax Office. This also means you can claim back your GST from the tax office on your expenses.
Suppose you are unsure of how to proceed. In that case, we help businesses register for GST regularly and can help explain the process and what you need to do.

How do I get started with TaxDigital?

You can reach out to us any time via email, make a virtual meeting book or even message us on Facebook. We will get back to you as soon as we can to start your tax return. We may send you an email with a request for further information about your affairs. 

My business doesn’t match the above pricing models, can you still help me?

At TaxDigital, we work with all types of clients. We try our very best to provide transparent information on our website but understand that not every client fits the ‘mould’. After speaking to you about your business, we will give you a fixed price quote. 

Does the price include other items of my individual tax return

Yes, the above-fixed prices include the other fundamental areas of your tax return. 

Where there are additional complex area’s that require our attention, they will be charged at a fixed price. This includes items such as rental properties, capital gains, etc. For more information, check out our personal tax return add-on pricing. 

Helping small businesses achieve their goals, one transaction at a time.

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