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Individual Tax Returns

About Service

At TaxDigital, we believe in making lodging your tax return as simple and straight forward as possible. Speak to us today about your return to ensure you are not missing any tax deduction opportunities, we love deductions. If your return contains a few more complicated items, we can help with those too, all at a fixed price! As a bonus, we will provide you with free tax tips to help you get an even bigger refund next year.

If you lodge with your spouse or partner, we will provide you with a competitively priced package saving you money. Did we mention our fee is a tax deduction on your next year’s tax return? 

Why Choose

  • Fixed price tax returns with optional add-ons

  • Lodge with your spouse and save more

  • Free tax tips to save money next year

  • Optional free 15 minute consultation to maximise your deductions

  • 10+ years of experience

Maximise your deductions

Download our 2024 Tax Deductions Checklist

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Fixed Price Individual Tax Returns

  • Salary & Wage Income
  • Interest & Dividend Income
  • Work-Related Expenses
  • Standard Deductions


As part of our pricing, we also offer several add-ons to tailor to your exact needs

  • Rental Property (each) - $155 inc. GST

  • Crypto Currency Tax Calcualtions - $396 inc. GST

  • Trust / Partnership Distribution - $79 inc. GST

  • Capital Gains/Loss Calculation - $240 inc. GST

Single pricing for everyone

$188inc. GST


Do I need to visit your office to complete my return?

There is absolutely no need to visit our office to complete your return. In fact, we try our hardest to ensure you can achieve everything from the comfort of your home. We will get you to complete an online questionnaire and then reach out via phone or email to get any additional information we require. 

How do I get started with TaxDigital?

You can reach out to us any time via email, make a virtual meeting book or even message us on Facebook. We will get back to you as soon as we can to start your tax return. 

I’m a working holiday maker, can you help me?

Absolutely, TaxDigital understands how complicated the Australian tax system can be. We will make every effort to ensure a smooth lodgement and give you the advice you need. We cater to working holidaymakers and those in Australia on a TSS or a 457 visa.

When is my tax return due for lodgement?

Individuals Tax Returns are due for lodgement by 31 October each year. If you haven’t lodged by this deadline, we can apply for an extension of time to lodge. 

If you have forgotten a few years of returns; we will endeavour to help you get your lodgements up to date and deal with the tax office on your behalf. 

How long does it take to get my refund?

Usually, it takes about 14 days for the ATO to issue your refund. Although, in rare instances, the Tax Officer may take a little longer.  

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