How to Register for a Directors Identification Number
By Travis Bacon
November 07, 2021
Overview of DINs
New regulations require that all existing and new Directors acquire a unique Director Identification Number (DIN). The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is responsible for administering the DIN regime. Your DIN is a unique identifier, much like your Tax File Number, that you will only be required to register for once. Penalties will apply for non-compliance with the DIN regime.
Who Needs to Register for a DIN?
Every existing or new director of a company listed with ASIC is required to register for a DIN. This includes:
Public companies
Private companies
Australian and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) corporations
Registered foreign companies
Some incorporated associations
Some charities
Directors must register for their DIN personally and they cannot ask another person or even a Tax Agent to do it on their behalf.
Who Does Not Need to Register for a DIN?
Registration is not required for:
A company secretary (provided they are not also a director)
A person acting as an external administrator of a company (Registered ASIC Agent)
An individual or entity running a business as a sole-trader, partnership, trust, etc.
Deadlines for Obtaining a DIN
From 1 November 20201, directors will be able to register for a DIN. At TaxDigital, we highly recommend applying for the DIN as soon as practical. However, the deadlines for obtaining a DIN are outlined below:
How to Register for a DIN?
The first step is to register for a MyGovID account. (Note that it is different from the MyGov account.) You can find more information about a MyGovID account here.
After obtaining a MyGovID account, you can apply for a DIN on the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) website.
Registering for a MyGovID
- Download the MyGovID app on your phone and register using your email address.
- Verify your email with the passcode sent to your email address.
- Verify your identity within the MyGovID app (to a "standard" identity strength).
Registering for a DIN
- Once you have obtained "standard" strength in your MyGovID app, go to the ABRS website and complete the DIN application.
- Use your email to log in to the website, and a security verification code will be sent to your MyGovID app.
- Follow the prompts on the ABRS website to complete your application.
What do you do with a DIN?
Firstly, keep a record of your DIN in a safe place. We have not yet dealt with a lost DIN, but we suspect the process will be similar to a lost TFN (i.e., impossible).
Secondly, after you receive your DIN, it is essential to:
Provide the DIN to your accountant; and
Provide it to the company(s) of which you are currently a director; and
Provide it to any other companies you become a director of in the future; and
Keep your personal details up to date on the ABRS website and the MyGovID app.
Contact Us
Figuring out if you need a DIN and how to use your new MyGovID app can be a little confusing. Don't worry, you are not alone and we get it! If you would like some personalised advice or assistance, feel free to reach out to us on 0407 438 849 or
This is general advice only and does not take into account your financial circumstances, needs and objectives. Before making any decision based on this document, you should assess your own circumstances or seek personalised tax advice from us at TaxDigital. Information is current at the date of issue and may change.
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